Sunday, May 24, 2009

My New Coffee Table Decorations!

This is Blue and Case playing on the weekend we babysat Case! It had me laughing so hard to see this huge Golden Retriever standing on my Coffee table like he was my new decoration! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I do! This memory is always good for a laugh!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Springing Into Action Again, Hopefully :)

Sorry for the long time between post! I am sure people have quit reading but in case ya'll still check!

Everything has been a whirlwind! It has all been good but extremely busy and crazy! Hey but who's life isn't right? Erik started his new school and has done really well. He adjusted great and even made a friend named Kevin! They shared each others snacks and we learned that Erik loves to dip his food in Honey Mustard (YUCK) & Ketchup, he will eat his roll, his pizza anything as long as he can dip it!

Blue has been amazing but I know he feels a little left behind right now! With Erik being carted across Atlanta everyday Blue gets left at home a lot. I feel bad taking him to Atlanta with me and having him chill in the car for 3 hours and that doesn't include the 1 hour trip down then the return 1hr trip home! So when I take Erik to Marcus Dad lets Blue out a few times and usually when we get home dad has him out on the tether throwing the toy for him. Blue loves his Papaw!

We did the walk for Autism this year and had an amazing time. Laura Lambert and I did a talk about 4 Paws and Autism Assistance Dogs. It went over really well. We didn't pass out a lot of flyers at the speech but when everyone saw how awesome Blue and Zorro were with having the boys tethered and how well the kids walked with their dogs, the flyers started flying out of our hands. I was so proud of Erik and Blue! I have had comments from people who saw us at the walk at how well they did together! Erik only sat on the ground once while we were walking! This is a major improvement because if he had been holding my hand he would have dropped to the ground every 5 minutes and it would have taken me 5 minutes just to get him off the ground! It is really exciting and I am looking forward to upcoming trips and events! Wow who thought a dog could change your life like this!

Denise, DJ, Nitro, Morgan & Zach Standley came for a visit in April and we had an amazing time! Since I started my new job I don't have a lot of time off right now but I was able to work out a few days to hang with them. They stayed at the Lamberts for a few nights and then came out here and stayed two nights with us! We went to an Alpine Village named Helen, GA and walked around, went to a winery and goofed off it was so much fun. I think the kids loved playing around the house and getting to ride the tractor with Papaw best! Denise has some cute pics on her facebook of everyone getting to ride the tractor! We are looking forward to our next adventure with the Standleys, hopefully this June for Erik's birthday!

Alaska Peg also came to visit and we had so much fun with her! It was such a short visit but every second with Peg is a blast! Laura picked her up from the air port and we met them at the Lamberts house! The next day we got up at 5:30am and went back to the air port for a brief airport breakfast with no other then Lisa Beth (aka: Tink) it was awesome to get to see here even if it was only for an hour, again we are hoping for a longer visit from Tink and the lost boys at Erik & Blue's Birthday! Later that day everyone came over to our house for a cook out with Nie Nie and Papaw, we had more kids ridding the tractor and loving it! It was a great time of catching up and chilling out! Man do I miss my Peg!

We have so many fun things planned for this summer, hopefully I can keep up a little better with my posting now that we are more in the swing of things! I can't keep anything peaceful long though! Erik's last day of public school is tomorrow but he will still go to Atlanta from 1 -4 and in 2 weeks he will start summer school two times a week to keep him in the habit of public school, which he will start full time in August! I love my new job it is exactly what I want to do but it is very stressful right now! There is only so much they can teach you in school! I learn something new almost everyday! It keeps me on my toes that's for sure! As if this all isn't enough I have signed up for school to start taking my core classes to get my RN! This should only take 2 years but I am not rushing anything, with work, Erik and school I will only be going part time! Wish me luck!

Hugs and love to everyone! I hope we still have faithful followers! Even if I am a slacker at keeping up on my post!