Friday, December 19, 2008

Tis the Season!

Ok well it is definitely the season to run around like a chicken with your head cut off!!! I am done Christmas shopping, Christmas mailing and Christmas wrapping! Now getting ready for the unwrapping!

We had an awesome time with the Lambert's again! We went to Helen (a tourist alpine village here in north Georgia) We got pics with Santa! It was really funny! I love the pic of Justice and Santa, he has this smile on his face like "hurry up take the dang picture so I can get away from the weirdo with the beard and his creepy wife!" We couldn't convince Riley to go anywhere near Santa and her daddy made her cry trying to carry her over to Santa to get a candy cane! Laura and I were reaching for Riley going NOOOOOO bring her back! Poor baby, bad daddy!

No really we had a lot of fun! We are either very brave or very stupid I have yet to figure out which! Laura's crew consisted of 2 adults, 3 small children and a Zoro; my crew was 1 adult, 1 child and 1 insane service dog! We toured the village and then went on a small hike to Anna Ruby Falls which was great and Blue did awesome with the tethering! I am so glad I had Erik tethered because he lost his balance on the trail and almost fell down a gully into the creek below, which would not have turned out well for him! So hey tethering doesn't just keep your child from running away from you it is a emergency repelling rope as well!

We came back to our house and celebrated Christmas with the Lambert crew it was great!

Erik recently started having some seizures again! We have upped medications and gone for blood test and made the weekly call to Jeremy for help in guiding Blue in seizure work! Thank God it looks like we will not need to train Blue at this time it has been 5 days since Erik had a seizure so I am hoping the medications have kicked in and we can go another year or so without them!

This has also been an amazing Christmas season because for the first time since Erik's regression and diagnosis of Autism I was able to buy Erik Christmas presents! Not just Spongebob DVD's even though we have the new ones also! I was able to buy toys that he enjoys playing with at other peoples houses and at school! This is really special also because as many of you know Erik has been attending the Marcus Institute for a long time, longer than the program he is in was supposed to last. Do to the economy and our state budget cuts to special needs programs Erik's program is being cut to half days and he will probably be discharged from the program at the end of summer. So a lot of the toys I was able to get him I can use to continue working with him as best I can the way Marcus does! I am planning on going through parent training! Please pray for this situation, there is a lot more too this then just the cutting of his program, way more than I can go into on a post! Thanks for your love and prayers!

We wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas! We love you all and have thought about each of you this holiday season! Many of you I was able to send Christmas cards too some I was not but we wanted to wish all of ya'll an amazing Christmas Holiday and New Year!

With all our Love

Deanna, Erik and Blue

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Putnams!

Thanksgiving was very special! Our friends from West Virginia who we met through 4 Paws came down for a visit and brought their service dog Ajax! Many of you may remember Ajax, he was a service dog to a little boy named Matthew and they came to many of our fundraisers. Matthew is not an active child, he wanted a dog that was smaller and more cuddly (Ajax weighs over 100lbs) so they returned Ajax to 4 Paws. Ajax has been placed with the Putnam family and their son Tristen and they adore Ajax! Ajax is a great tracker and that is exactly what Tristen needs so all has worked out beautifully and Matthew will get his new smaller service dog in January!

Samantha, Nathan, Tristen and Rebecka all came and stayed with us! We ate an amazing meal and of course we ate too much! My parents smoked a turkey and made the vegies! I made the desserts! The kids played outside and Blue and Ajax romped around and really enjoyed having another dog to play with. We did a track where we mixed up who hid with the kids! Nathan hid with Erik for Blue's track and Papaw did the track, both Blue and Papaw did awesome! They were dead on and Papaw read Blue and didn't just run for all he was worth or loose the lead! I hid with Tristen and we made it a long track! Tristen did great we sat in the woods and I told him a story about a boy and his dog! Ajax booked it the whole way and as usual was amazing!

Tristen and Erik really started to interact which was soooo cool! Erik's favorite thing to do was to touch whatever Tristen had and make Tristen scream then run away and laugh! He never wanted the toy he just wanted the reaction! The kids played and played! I was amazed they didn't pass out every evening! Tristen just loved Erik's powerwheel Jeep and actually knows how to drive it (for Erik we cock the wheel and he presses the gas peddle and goes in circles)! Erik loves when he has someone to drive him so they were in heaven! We have 2 batteries and they killed both batteries each day, haha! Papaw drove them on the tractor which is one of Erik's favorite things to do and Tristen loves tractors also!

Rebecka is precious! Boy did she love Papaw! Papaw took her for a ride on the tractor first! He would push her on the swing! She would constantly ask for "Papaw, swing"! It would be pitch dark outside and Rebecka would come to Samantha and ask for the playground and when Samantha said "no" she would then ask for Papaw! It was really cute! After we put the kiddo's to bed Samantha, Nathan and I stayed up way too late and played cards, laughed and cut up! It was a great time! We miss them!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Updateing Ya'll!!!

Wow it has been forever since I have posted and so much has happened! I will try to post over the next few days and get everyone updated!

Blue and Erik are doing well. I am having to crack the whip with Blue, I let my training laps over the past 3 weeks while I was studying for my Nursing state board exam and Blue has acquired some bad habits but now that I am done with the test he is falling back in line, even though he has had to spend a little extra time in the kennel for thinking that Build-A-Bears are really yummy and decides to take advantage of any opportunity my back is turned to indulge in one! Also he has gotten off of his poop schedule and we have had 3 accidents in public!!! I am guessing that Blue doesn't like Target and Kohls since those are his favorite land mine targets!Little snot head even when I give him the opportunity to go before we enter the store! Of course I made my weekly phone call to Jeremy and we are reducing the am food and feeding pm food earlier!

Erik is making some incredible advancements! He will mimic us when we try to get him to make sounds! Like Bunny, we ask him to say "Ba" when he does then we ask him to say "Nie"! He is trying to say them together but the "Ba" is coming out silently when he tries that. Also I will make the sounds of the alphabet and he attempts about 1/2 of the sounds which is awesome! I am really excited! He is showing a lot of interest in trying to talk! He is also showing a lot of interest in Blue! The other day (will post pic's later) I was in the kitchen taking a practice test and it was WAY TOOOOOO QUITE, in the living room so I snuck around the corner and Erik was leaning on Blue and they were both watching Spongebob! As soon as they both saw me they both jumped away from each other like ummm we weren't hanging out together or anything! I got them back settled down together and took some great pics.

Blue is an awesome tracker and has continued to amaze us! Papaw is finally getting the hang of tracking with Blue! I have laughed at him so much! When I first let him do a track I asked him if he needed any refresher and he was like "No" and told me that he was there listening to Jeremy and even did a track at 4 Paws! So off Erik and I went to hide and I saw Papaw and Blue take off! Blue was running full force with his head up grinning and wasn't on scent at all! Papaw was being drug behind him! They were about to pass us when Erik squealed out and Blue was like Oh! Hey! So we decided to try another track when we had a 3rd person so I could guide Papaw!!! Dang it if Papaw couldn't hold onto the lead! He let it go twice the second time Blue was on scent running for all he was worth! He over shot the 90 degree turn but came back to it and over shot the next turn and was down in the woods. We were calling him and I was trying to go in the direction I last saw him! He came running out of the woods without his tracking harness or his lead!!!! Jeremy gave us Houdini the amazing escaping dog, because not only can he get out of his harness but Blue can and will jump out of windows!!!

Oh and I took my state board NCLEX exam on Nov 25th and I passed so I am unofficially (until they mail me my license) an LPN! YEAH! I can get a job now! Please keep that in your prayers I am currently job hunting, most employers want 1 yr experience so I am applying everywhere!

Well I will post more later and I have a ton of pics to show ya'll! We had the Putnam's and Ajax down for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time, can't wait to tell ya'll about that!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tricker Treat!

Well Blue made it possible for us to go tricker treating with the Lambert's! The last time Erik had gone tricker treating was when he was about 2 years old. I tethered Erik to Blue and off we went! Blue did awesome! I was so proud of him! Erik was flopping on the ground and pulling on him but he handled it like a champ and laid down when I told him down and everything! He also did a good job at trying to ignore other dogs that were out and about!

The boys got to play outside at the Lamberts and they both LOVED it! Erik and Blue both enjoy have friends to romp around with! We ate pizza then it was time to get everyone ready! Erik was a farmer and he was so stinking cute!!! Kelly (Carter's mom) loaned us a pair of overalls and boots! I added a flannel shirt, bandanna to the back pocket and a camo ball cap and I had the cutest farmer ever! Erik hasn't worn boots in a very long time! When I put them on him he held up his foot to me and said AHHHH! I told him he had to wear them and he kept yelling at me! I finally won the battle after putting them back on 5 or 6 times but it was worth it! Justice was a solider and he won the battle of not having to wear his new helmet but instead wore a soft Marine lid with face paint! Riley was a precious Fairy Princess!!!! Finn was a leopard! Mark started out as a Nun but somehow turned into Hannibal Lector and Ricky did the opposite! Laura was a solider as well! I decided to find my overalls and go as a farmer with Erik! I put my hair in pig tails, no easy feat when you have short hair! We had such a good time! Laura said that this trip was the longest tricker treating trip that Justice has ever lasted and they got to be the first to take Erik on an official trip! We are already planning next years!

We had another amazingly successful track with Blue! It about kicked my butt! I have a horrible cold and am hacking my brains out so at the end of the quarter mile track I thought I was going to die but Blue did it! I was frustrated at first because as soon as we got outside and I had Blue hyped and hooked up he took a dive for his throw toy! I told him to leave it, he wouldn't! I finally grabbed the thing saying multiple curse words which made Blue sit and look at me with his lil ears down and the "Oh Crap, I'm Sorry" look and I told him to track again and off he went! This dog has an amazing nose! I was so proud of him! It was an extremely long track, we hurdled fallen trees and went through brush, nothing else side tracked him! I felt bad about the toy because he had been with me all day long and no play time! So I can't blame him for wanting to play, but as soon as he knew that I meant business and that we were tracking he was totally cool with playing the Tracking Game instead of his throw toy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Fun

What a great time we had yesterday when some of our friends came over and goofed off with us! We made such fun food like a Snake Sandwich, Ghost cookies, Gollum Guts, a Grave Yard with the kids names on cookie grave stones and so much more! We carved pumpkins, played football and went on a fall hike through the woods! Check out the slide show of our Halloween Fun!!!

There were 4 families here and the kids were amazing! Laura, Mark, Justice, Riley and Finn came and brought Zoro! They also brought Pumpkins to carve! We did a practice track with Zoro! Laura talking Zoro up to get him ready to track Justice (she had said earlier in the day that Zoro doesn't get excited over much and that he didn't pull like Blue does in a track)! Well Zoro decided to prove her wrong! Zoro took off like a bat out of H*** and Laura totally about biffed it! I saw feet, legs and arms flailing! You should have seen it, it was soooo funny! I have to give Laura kudos's she didn't do a face plant and she held onto the leash! She used a line out of one of Jeremy's stories, when they got back from the track she said "I no let go"!

Kelly, Carter and Connor also came and they were able to watch Zoro's track and one of Blue's tracks! They are going to get Carter a dog from 4 Paws in Dec!!! We cannot wait! Connor and Mark had so much fun playing football and Justice was learning to punt! Carter came baring his Vampire teeth and looking cute as could be, and Kelly said she was dressed up for Halloween as a redneck girl, she looked adorable in her overalls!

My friend Donna her daughter Rachel and son Jonathan came up from Warner Robins to hang out with us and I am so glad she was able to make it! Her son Jonathan has autism and goes to school with Erik! He has many of the same issues Erik has and it was awesome that she got so see a track! They are considering fundraising for a dog for Jonathan! Rachel learned that she likes lizards! The two girls at the party, Rachel and Riley, were the ones playing with the lizards! Laura caught 2 baby lizards and the girl ran around half the day with lizards attached to their shirts! They were so cute! Rachel wants a lizard for a pet now!

Papaw is officially the kiddo whisperer! All the kids loved my dad and he helped watch all of them! He pushed them around in the car when the batteries died and baby Finn and papaw are best buddies since Ohio!

Speaking of my dad we did two amazing tracks with Blue yesterday! The first track Blue hit the scent and off he went, he took off so quickly we left some of our followers behind, he didn't veer to the right or the left he just tracked straight to Dad and Erik it was so awesome and really renewed my faith in Blue! I had really wanted Donna and Kelly to see a track so after Blue rested and chilled out we did another track! I told dad I wanted to do a short track because I didn't want to over do it with Blue! Dad took off back towards the subdivision where we had our not so good track! I waited a few minutes and off we went with Blue! By the way, don't track in Croc's! They fall off when your dog takes off!

Blue was on the scent then he kind of lost it and went in circles and came back to me! I let him work it out and got him motivated again! He hit the scent after a few diversions and off he went! Blue drug me through the path into the subdivision and drug me up the street! He did some air scenting at one point and got directly on the track again and pulled me through a gully and up a hill! Donna and Kelly are thinking that he isn't on the trail, they told me afterward, because this was supposed to be a short track! We came out of the woods onto one of our trails behind my house and Blue pulled me to Erik! He was dead on it the whole way! Donna and Kelly were totally amazed! Dad had done a circle and made it a longer track then I had planned on, and one I had no idea which path they had taken! I am doing a lot better at trusting Blue and letting him lead me as well as shutting up and letting him work things out! He did amazing! Way to go Blue!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Blue Goes to South GA

This weekend we went to visit my Aunt and Uncle in Dexter, GA! It was really nice to see them, we haven't seen them since January! About 4 months ago my Aunt was diagnosed with the return of her cancer and the Dr's said it was in 11 spots in her body. The prognosis was not good but with treatment the Dr's believed they could buy her 3-4 years. She recently finished the treatment and went for a check-up and she is in remission! It is a complete miracle and we are all so excited!

It was not a very fun trip for Blue but he did good! Most of the time we stayed in the house and he had very little outside play time. I was nervous taking him outside because they have had some incidents of rattle snakes around the area. Blue is starting to behave better for me! We need to work on his obedience for my parents. They just need to practice with him! My parents just returned from a cruise to the Greek Isles and had a wonderful time! They have some amazing pictures and video! I will try to post a link to their pictures once I have them up!

We have tried some practice tracks with Blue that have been a little rocky. We did a track in a subdivision and Blue couldn't keep on the scent and seemed to just give up! We tried to coax him up and get him back on scent but it didn't go well. We also tried a track in south GA. Blue back tracked to the beginning of the track and I couldn't get him to leave the area! He drug me down a path that Erik didn't take but ultimately we made it to Erik with a lot of direction and talking up! I think we are going to have to up the reward at the end, and keep practicing! Please pray I do the right thing! Blue knows how to track and all his obedience I just have to work with him and keep him interested in tracking.

Hey ya'll!!! I got to go see my Aunt Shirley this weekend and play with my cousins! I had a good time! They have a cool tree swing that I love to swing on! Mom just wont push me as long as I want her too! Mom made Blue lay down in the grass near us while I swung in the swing! If I could have figured out how to fit Blue on the swing with me I would have let him swing too! They also have a trampoline! Mom said Blue wouldn't like to jump with me, but I think she is wrong! Blue loves to jump! Mrs Laura thinks that Blue is part Kangaroo!!!

I am so excited!!! This weekend we are having my friends Justice and Riley, and Blue's friend Zoro come over and play with us! Mom is making Halloween food (I hope it isn't anything like last year's bat wings, YUCK) and we are going to play and eat! Hope ya'll have a great week and have a lot of FUN!! Blue and I will talk to ya'll soon!!!

Anna, Momma, Erik and Blue

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Erik's day at the Lamberts!

I learned that Blue can fish!!!

I went to bed early last night because I was soooo tired! I want to tell you all about me new friends Justice and Riley! We went over to their house yesterday to play and I had so much fun! They have a big back yard with a tree house, swing set with a fort, and a Koi pond! Well Blue and I loved the Koi pond! I liked to throw things in the pond and Blue, well, mom got really mad at Blue! Blue and I were playing outside when Blue decided to get in the Koi pond! He was completely standing in the pond and I guess he was fishing because when mom caught him he had his entire head dunked under the water! It was so funny! Mrs Laura said that she laughed so hard she about pee'ed on herself!

Justice is really cool and he loves Star Wars! He even played light saber with me! We ran around the yard together! Oh and Riley well she is a puzzle master! She even beat my mom at a puzzle putting together contest, and she is really pretty (don't tell anyone I told you that)!We did so much stuff, we slid down the slide, played in the tree house! It has a trap door and you can even raise the stairs so no one can get inside! It is built around a tree! I liked going out on the tree house porch and having Mrs. Laura pull me in through the window!

I can't wait to see my friends again! Justice even has a dog, like me! His dog's name is Zorro! Blue loved playing with Zorro! Mom says we are going to go hiking with Justice and Riley soon! I can't wait!

Today was a lazy day! We took Blue outside and played with him on his new leash! I wouldn't really throw the ball for Blue! Mom wanted me too and said it would help me and Blue become better friends! Blue is crazy with the ball so I just played around while mom threw Blue his toys! Then our friends Larry, Ann and Sara (another pretty girl) come over! We got to play with my toys and mom showed Sara how to play I Spy on the computer! I hate the stupid computer! I would rather be playing outside! Well it is my bedtime and mom didn't get around to giving Blue a bath after his fishy swim so she wants to turn the computer off and start that before it is too late! This should be fun! I will tell ya'll about it tomorrow!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday with the Lamberts!

What we have learned from Blue: Do not gently toss the Kong after you put peanut butter inside! It gets very messy!

We had an amazing day today! We went over to Laura, Mark, Ricky, Justice, Zorro, Riley and Finn's house! Zorro and Blue got to play outside all day and wore each other out! They were so funny, they would both try to get one of the large squeaky tennis balls and both be holding onto it at the same time! For those of you who know Zorro, I actually saw him running around and active!

We had a rough Friday and I called Jeremy, I was very frustrated! Blue was not listening at all and when I put him in a down for the children at Erik's school to come up and pet him, he would roll over on his back and kick his paws in the air! He almost kicked a kid in the face! Jeremy told me it is going to be extremely important for Blue to get his puppy energy out! So we are trying to figure out a way to afford a fence! I brought him home Friday morning and hooked him up to the 100ft leash and wore him out! We played for almost an hour and the leash worked perfectly! I can throw one of Blue's toys a little over 100ft, don't ask how I know that :)

We have done a few more tracks, the second one I messed up! I did everything Jeremy told us not to do. I had a friend of ours go and hide with Erik in the woods! As soon as Blue and I got outside and I started pepping him up and hooking him to his lead, the bottom falls out of the sky and we are getting soaked! Blue took a few minutes to get going he kept going around me in circles! Then he finally started out and was on the scent! Then we got to a point and he lost it and was circling! He started slightly pulling me in one direction, well the direction he was pulling me was straight towards my mom's dogs! I took a few steps in the direction I though Erik had gone and I started arcing Blue again and he pulled back the direction towards the other dogs! I kept confusing him, he finally stopped and looked at me, I pepped him back up and convinced him to go in the direction I wanted him to go! He did make it too Erik but they had gone a completely different direction! So when Jeremy tells you that you will cheat on tracks, he is sooo right! I learned a really good lesson, trust my dog!

We did a track today at Laura's! Mark went with me to see a track and Laura hid with Erik! I started Blue out and he went directly where Erik had gone, but with the direction of the wind we overshot the exact path! When we got to the other side of these rocks, Blue lost the scent! I just let him work it out and he went in a few different directions but never pulled me! I got him restarted once, then he ran up through some bushes and hit the scent, then he was on it! You could honestly tell when Blue was on the scent! It was amazing the difference! Mark even noticed when Blue hit it, and this was his first time seeing a track! Way to go Blue! He knows exactly what he needs to do! I have to keep practicing!

Well hope all of ya'll are having a great weekend! Will keep you posted on Erik and Blue! Hugs and Puppy Kisses!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First at Home Track!

Today was supposed to be our first at home track! Well it rained all day! Then about dinner time it finally cleared up! Well Erik has been sick the past few days so I didn't want to have him outside in the rain to do a track and now it's dark!

Since it turned into a nice night Jerry was like lets do a practice track! I was like it's dark! He said lets do it anyway! So off Erik and him went! They walked to the end of my drive way turned to the right and then walked to the turning point of my parents driveway! I was so nervous! I got all of Blue's tracking stuff and we went outside! I was talking Blue up while I was hooking him up then I told him to track! He was so excited for a few seconds that he just ran in a circle around me but then when I told him to track again off he went!

Blue booked it to the end of my drive way and made the right turn about 1/2 way up my parents driveway he lost the scent for a second! Now mind you it is pitch black out here! There is no street lights, we live on 11 acres and the sky is cloudy so there is no moonlight, Oh and Blue is black! So I cannot see him at all when he is about at the 1/2 length of the lead. I feel him slack up so I stop he sniffs around takes off towards the woods, hits the end but does not pull me, then he gets back on the drive way and still isn't committed then he takes off again pulling me the whole way and goes straight to Erik and Jerry!

We are so excited! He did an amazing job and in the dark no less! Our first at home track was successful!

Monday, October 6, 2008

What I Learned from Blue Today!

I learned that Blue can down a whole Peanut Butter Sandwich and a few Potato Chips in less than 3 seconds!

Well! I called Jennifer just to make sure Blue would not get extremely sick or anything from the contraband sandwich, she said he may have diarrhea and to not feed him dinner! I will be giving Jeremy a call in a few days to figure out how to handle the sandwich thief!

Hey this is Erik and my mom has hogged my blog the past few days and I haven't gotten to say anything! My mom is such a chatter box! Ok well Blue came home to GA with us! I thought we were going to leave him at the hotel but mom put him in the car with us! I got in a bunch of trouble because I keep trying to poke Blue's eyes! Blue went everywhere with us, even into the gas stations! Everybody thinks Blue is cool so we have people stop to talk to us all the time!

Sunday was a bad day! I wanted to stay at home and play all day in my yard! I have missed my woods so much but mom wanted to run stupid errands! Blue didn't want to run errands either! We made mom cut her errand running short and bring us home! YEAH! I got to take a walk with my Blue in the woods! He was sniffing everything!

I wasn't feeling good this morning so mom kept me home from school! I really wanted to go to school and show off Blue! Mom said we will do that tomorrow since I am obviously feeling better! Today at lunch mom made me my favorite, a peanut butter sandwich! I usually dance around and watch Spongebob and eat my snacks! I turned around to watch Spongebob and when I turned back around Blue had eaten my sandwich! I went and told mom! Mom put Blue in the crate and made me another sandwich, I ate this one really fast so Blue could come back out and play!

Tomorrow I get to go back to school I am so excited! Mom is going to bring Blue for a little while so I will get to show him off to all my friends! I will tell ya'll all about it tomorrow! Have a great night!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well, we survived the 12 hour drive home with Erik and Blue! They both did great, I was so proud of them. Blue laid around and slept in the back of the SUV for most of the trip and Erik watched Spongebob and he actually didn't squeal out too often!

Every where we stopped on the trip home was great and we only had one person tell us we couldn't have pets in the store and was totally cool with it when I told him Blue was a service dog! When we got home I was so excited because my fat chow Ray just laid down in front of her garage and had not intention of getting her butt up and running to see me at 11pm. Until Jerry (Ray and Jerry are tight) called her up! I was like CRAP! I was just about to get Blue out of the car, soooooooooooo I didn't get to introduce them the way I wanted too. Ray came up and Blue was so excited to see another dog! Ray was not so excited, she growled, I corrected her and hurt her feelings, but then I loved on her and Blue and Ray or totally cool together!

I tried to put Blue in bed with Erik! Oh and yeah Erik has a single bed! Blue jumped right up and curled into a ball at the foot of the bed, BUT (isn't there always one of these) Erik was like UHHHH TOY!!! The two of them decided to tag team me, Erik and Blue would both get up and come find me, so I would put them both back in bed, finally Erik decided that mom meant business and stayed in bed harassing Blue! Blue came and stood in the doorway to my bedroom and gave me a "you got to be kidding me" look! So I put an old baby quilt down on the floor beside Erik's bed and told Blue place! He actually stayed! Once Erik got to sleep I got Blue to jump up on Erik's bed! Then in the middle of the night when Erik came and snuck in my bed Blue decided he had it made and I found him in Erik's bed all alone this morning!

Today on the other hand was a freaking mad house! Blue looked around didn't smell Jeremy or Jennifer and was like Ohhhh you are so not the boss of me! So round and round we went! That wouldn't have been so bad if Erik hadn't decided that He was home in his woods and he was going to pretend he was deaf whenever mom tried to call him.

Oh and since we needed dog food and some other junk we went to Pet Co! Erik didn't want to shop and Blue wanted to play so tethering fell to pieces so I grabbed Erik up and threw his butt in a cart and Blue was like ummm you cant do that to me and I want to go shopping down this isle (always the isle I had no intention of going down)! OH AND FREAKIN CAT PPL! (I'll save those stories for another post!)! We made it home and I decided to introduce Blue to the Shi Zu's! That went well actually until I had 4 dogs and 1 kid in my parents house trying to feed everyone! No on was listening, I couldn't get any ones name correct I have water and dog food everywhere! SO when I finally get it all together get everyone fed and put in their places, I grab a beer and sit down and watch Spongebob with Erik!

Well I am going to put my kid and dog to bed, lets see how many pop up butts I have tonight! I am planning on keeping the blog going! I am actually going to start post of what I am learning from Blue, that should be interesting! Hope you keep checking back with us! We are going to do our first practice track Tuesday! Hugs and love to you all!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Stars Shined!

Wow this is going to be an incredibly personal and emotional post!

To every September Star and every person that works at 4 Paws we love you and are going to miss you so much!

Lisa Beth! You, J-Bugs, Ty and Indy: Ya'll are amazing and I am so glad we finally met! One day we are going to get to hang out and have dinner! I loved the Bourbon Slushies, we will have to do that again as well! Wow girl I have so much to say to you! I will do that in person!

Heather! You have the sweetest family and I can't imagine one step of this journey without ya'll! I am so glad you are a dog person now, hey you even handled Blue! We will stay in touch and whenever you guys come through Atl you have to call me and stop by!

Samantha! What can I say, we just love ya'll and I know we will stay in touch and ya'll will be coming to visit us! Dad sends his love from Greece! I am so sorry I ruined Tristen from ever eating Apples again!

Casey and your whole crew! You guys ROCK and are so much fun! Brenna we love you, Erik thinks his Brenna is the best! Make sure to give my Katie Lady Bug hugs from us!

Janice! Ya'll are just too cute! I am so glad Andrew and Ava are bonding! I am waiting for that pic of a fluffy Ava! Hugs sweetie we will chat again soon!

Kirsten! Olivia and Chase are precious together! I will miss Blue and Chase wrestling! One day we will have to have that glass of wine together! I can't wait to hear all the ways Chase keeps Olivia safe!

Andy! You are a total welcome addition to our class! We didn't know you before but are glad you joined! Thanks for your help with Blue and enjoy your new home in DC! Keep up the good work with Tylor he is an amazing kiddo and I am so glad he is doing so well! You are a great mom!

Sassy! We didn't get to see you guys much but I hope Ethan has a great ride home with Koia and that she brings him peace and happiness! You aren't that far girl, we are here if you need anything!

Mary! Matthew is so stinking cute and he and Potter make the best team! I am going to miss him yellin "POTTER SIT"! Ya'll give us a holla when you come through Atl! I cannot wait to hear more Matthew/Potter stories! Hopefully Potter will keep sitting on Matthew when he tries to escape!

Sara! I am so sorry Leaf is sick! Jacob and Leaf are such a cute match and we just love Irene to pieces! She is beautiful! I will keep my eyes open for any kids hanging out in hotel hallways! Take care you guys!

Jeremy and Jennifer! Ya'll have a very special place in our heart for so many reasons! I can't thank ya'll enough for loving these special kids and training special dogs! You both have the patience of Job even when kids are screaming BYE BYE when you are trying to talk or untying your shoes! You are both welcome at our home anytime, you have an open invitation (Connor, Brody and Angel are welcome as well)! I can't even begin to say everything my heart wants to say to ya'll! We just Love you and Thank you!

Karen! Thanks for your vision of starting 4 Paws and helping children and homeless puppies like Blue! Again I could fill pages with the thanks my heart holds for you! 4 Paws is an amazing place and if I can ever be of help or if you ever need a parent to spread the word or talk to anyone let me know, I am there!

4 Paws Staff! There are a ton of you and you each hold a special place in mine and Blue's heart! You can just see the love he has for ya'll! You guys have a very special job and what you do everyday helps make dreams possible and changes the lives of each family that has received a dog from ya'll everyday! Ya'll ROCK! We love ya!!!!

Ok well today was a great day every September Star shined and 4 Paws shined! Many of our new friends are headed home or staying one more night in Ohio! We wish you all safe traveling! Jeremy hope you feel better! I am so excited all our puppies have their official super hero badge, that's what each of them are super hero's! You are all amazing parents and ya'll each have amazing kids! I can't wait to see how the kid/dog relationships bloom! Hugs, Love and Puppy Licks to you all!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Last Day of Training!

Erik giving Blue Suggies!

Wow I cannot believe that today was our last day of training! Tomorrow is our Public Access Test at the mall. I am a little nervous! Blue has been doing so great though, he even does stairs beautifully (he doesn't pull you up them or yank you down them)! We just love Jennifer and Jeremy but I am so nervous with them grading us! Blue is so in love with them he acts like a fool when they come around! It is actually kind of cute, he gets this look of adoration in his eyes whenever Jennifer enters the room.

Today we went on a Track with just us and Ajax's family. We both live in a heavily wooded area so Jeremy took us to the park where Papaw Jerry did his double back, over-under tree track! Samantha, Ajax and Tristen's mom hid with Erik so we could make sure Blue is tracking Erik not Erik and Papaw Jerry. I sat in front of the truck and didn't watch which way my kid went! Blue is a tracking freak! Jeremy mixed it up for us and sent Sam and Erik on some twist and turns! Blue followed their track to a T! I am so excited, I read Blue and followed him and didn't second guess him! I learned how to do a line check and make sure Blue was pulling me so I knew we were going in the right direction!

I almost cried today when I was thanking Jeremy for choosing Blue to be Erik's dog and training them to track! Blue isn't an Erik sitter by any stretch of the imagination (I think Blue might try to convince Erik to go hide just so he can track him), but knowing I have a second set of eyes and 1 outstanding nose on my side is a huge relief as well as knowing that when I tether Erik to Blue I can at least turn my back for a second and look at something when shopping or even venture out and go to a fair or amusement park. We can do things that I would have never attempted before Blue!

I am remembering the first day at 4 Paws! We are all sitting in this huge room and all waiting for them to bring out our dogs. We had gone over to Blue's cage and he looked so sad in there and didn't really react much! Then when Jen (one of the handlers) brought him out to us, Blue was like a wild child! Jen had to sit with us and hold onto Blue! I was not so sure about this dog! If you had asked me if I thought Blue would work out as our service dog I would have said "I am not sure he is a little hyper"! That afternoon we brought Blue back to the hotel and he was a different dog, we totally fell for him! He was still hyper but a sweet controllable hyper! Then off to 4 Paws we go the next day and he was like a crazy dog again! We are so in love with this dog! He is the sweetest dog and just the perfect match for Erik!

My mom is so mushy, YUCK! Blue laid his head on my lap and gave me suggies when we were in the car going to 4 Paws this morning! I was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I am a little cranky in the morning, like my mom we are not morning people! Blue just hung out with me, then tonight when we were running errands Blue laid down under my feet and I rested my feet on him, we were both happy. I like to play with Blue's paws the are so rough on the bottom, Blue isn't sure he likes me playing with his paws but if he is really tired from finding me or playing ball he doesn't seem to mind! Wish my mom luck tomorrow, she has to pass some kind of test so we can bring Blue home and he can be my new best friend and go everywhere with me! Bye Bye

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another Manic Wednesday at 4 Paws

Today was pretty cool! We started out our morning with Jennifer at the training center and Blue was amazing! I took him outside and played ball for about 30 minutes before class started and he got out all his extra energy and I had a whole new dog in class, he was sooo obedient! Then we went tracking! Jeremy let us do almost everything! He was there to guide us if we needed it but he stood back and watched! Lisa Beth aka Tink hid with Erik so we could mix up scents and Blue was dead on! I seconded guessed him and almost didn't follow him down the right path but I will guarantee that will not happen again this dog is amazing!

Guys ya'll getting ready for training I am not kidding when I tell you to get your beauty sleep and be prepared for a whirl wind of a ride! It is a ton and I mean a ton of information! I had other mom's say it is overwhelming but I had no idea how overwhelming! The dogs are awesome and they know all the stuff they need to know, you just have to learn it while learning how to handle a dog and taking care of your kid at the same time! I have dogs and have trained them so I thought this wouldn't be easy! Get your exercise also! Jeremy and Jennifer are in amazing shape from handling 100+ pound dogs all the time and they and the dogs will run circles around ya!

I learned a little about how to track from Blue today! I wore a UGA jacket while tracking and my car keys fell out of the pocket! We are in a huge nature area and my keys are gone! I start walking the path that Blue and I tracked Erik down and about the spot where Tink and Erik hid there were my keys! I think Blue was proud of me!

Ok ya'll my dog Blue is HYPER! He loves his ball! I start saying "Uhh, Uhh" every time he runs by me with a ball because I know what it feels like to be knocked over and stepped on when Blue has ball on the brain! I am starting to love on my Blue! Last night I gave Blue treats by myself! Mom usually has to hold my hand open while Blue takes his treats and I just laugh because it tickles! Last night mom gave me a treat and I held my hand open for Blue to take his treat! I will give Blue suggies when he isn't looking because if he notices me leaning towards him he starts licking me all over!

Oh Aunt Laura! I sat with my mom today while Jeremy was talking about boring stuff like how to brush Blue's teeth and I started screaming "Bye, Bye" to anyone who walked past me! I knew you would be proud of me!

Mom is scared because tomorrow is the last day of training and then Friday she and Blue have to take a test! She isn't scared of the test so much as having to leave 4 Paws and not having Jennifer and Jeremy to help her. I keep giving her suggies and letting her know that it will all be great and that Blue and I will behave for her, we promise :)! Ok well it's dinner time and I am ready to eat! Talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Masta Tracka

Ok well let me tell ya how today went! For those of you who know Grandpa Jerry you will completely understand what I am about to tell you! Today we tracked at a beautiful park full of woods, it looked just like my yard and I was really excited! Jeremy told Grandpa Jerry to go off in a direction and hide anywhere! Ok well Jerry went off and doubled back and did all sorts of twists and turns, not on any trail just through woods! I have the lead and Blue takes off like a bat out of H*** ok so he hits the end of the leash and spins around finally we get on the trail and Blue is everywhere, why because Jerry took Erik everywhere! We are totally tangled up in the debree, trees you name it! I am like "Are you freaking kidding me!!!!!" Ok so Blue gets on the scent and wow he found them! Blue is amazing! I have total confidence in Erik's dog!

Today at 4 Paws in obedience training with Jennifer Blue is like you know what I don't want to do another sit, down or anything you tell me to do! It was so funny, well I actually didn't find it funny at all while it was happening but looking back it was funny! He was like I am over school, it is time for spring break! I will have to take Blue out in the morning for a morning jog! This dog will help me get back in shape, YEAH and CRAP!

Well me and my dog Blue, oh this is Erik, I am kinda skittish of Blue unless we are in the car together! Then I am trying to beat up on him. Mom is chewing my butt out for it but Blue is there and I can reach him! Mom said she was going to move Blue to the back of the SUV if I wasn't nice to Blue. I would hate that, it is fun to have him around.

Blue LOVES to find me! Today Grandpa Jerry and I tried to get away from Blue and we couldn't No matter where I go Blue finds me, we even hid under a fallen tree that looked like a fort and he found me! Last night, Grandpa Jerry was taking Blue out to potty and I ran out the door down the hall! Blue was ready to come get me and mom could not convince him I was safe until we went and petted him and went back in the room! I am in so much trouble now! Blue will not let me out of his site! He loves tracking me so much that he tries tracking me when I run down the hall! Mom thinks this is great!! Man I am not so sure! Ok well it is time for dinner and I am hungry! Hiding is hard business and I need my energy! Hope all ya'll back home are having a good time, can't wait to bring Blue home to meet everyone!

Monday, September 29, 2008

In and Out Tracking!

Today was awesome!

I finally took the lead from Jeremy! Erik went off to hide with Papaw Jerry, no Monica. Monica is the person that usually hides for the dogs to track while they are training, our past tracks have included Monica. This means that Blue was tracking Erik's scent only not anyone else! Jeremy got me started off with Blue and off we went! Blue was dead on, he is absolutely amazing! I could not go as fast as Jeremy goes but I was able to read Blue some by myself and some with Jeremy's help - still want a lot more practice doing that - I just cannot express how comforting it is to know that when we get home I have the huge security blanket! I hope we never need to track Erik but I have a ton of confidence in Blue, I just have to work up confidence in me, which will just take practice!

After our morning outside track we went back to the mall did some public obedience work and then off to a mall track. Jeremy expresses how important it is to be dead on when you are in a store because you only have a short period of time for the scent because of the air system's and everything. He set up two small easy tracks and Blue aced both of them! Blue just keeps impressing me more and more everyday!

Hey everyone mom isn't feeling very well so I wanted to talk to ya'll for a minute! Training is hard work! Everyone is tired, including me. I will sit and watch Bob instead of dance around like I normally do! So ya'll getting ready to come to training, get your beauty sleep now.

My blue gets stupid/silly over his ball! He is stepping on my toes whenever he goes after his ball! I am learning to jump on the sofa if Blue come anywhere near me with a ball. I am starting to pet Blue but I pet hard so mom is trying to get me to be gentle. I have no idea why I can't bop him in the head? I bop myself in the head and it doesn't hurt at all! My mom is so strict. I am still trying to poke Blue in the eye but mom keeps catching me. Blue will let me do anything to him and he just licks me to death when he gets the chance it makes me laugh!

Mom finally has Blue doing his tricks! She is going to help me learn to do them! Mom thinks it is funny when we shoot Blue to play dead! I think it is funny when mom tells Blue to bark and he barks! He gets so excited, and when Blue gets excited you have to watch your toes!

I had fun hiding in the mall today! Blue kept finding me, then he was so excited that he acted like a crazy man and I was tethered to him! What was my mom thinking! Ok well we are going to bed so we can work hard again tomorrow! Blue and I are sending ya'll hugs and licks!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Mall!!!

Today we practiced with Blue at the Mall! The Mall on SATURDAY!!! Thank God for Laura!!! She helped me figure out how to tether Erik and Blue and get untangled!!! She helped us figure out how to maneuver around, so by the time Jeremy came around to walk with us we totally looked professional! I was so proud of Blue and Erik! Blue rocked it, he heeled beautifully and did not get up when Erik pulled or tried to fight to get away! I am so impressed and again so amazed!!! Erik enjoyed holding onto his special leash and walking with Blue while he was tethered! I am in such awe! We can start going in Public and practicing with Blue now!!! YEAH!

Hey guys it's Erik again! I had an awesome day! I miss my Papaw he left today to go on a stupid Cruise, Oh well! My Gigi came up today and he pulled me in the wagon tonight and it was awesome, I love my wagon! Today my Blue and I walked around the Mall! I hate the Mall and I started freaking out as soon as we pulled in the parking lot! We got inside and I was MAD and then they attached me to Blue and I was like NOOOOOO!!! But it wasn't so bad! I have a leash where I get to hold onto Blue and we walked and walked and walked! I had so much fun! My Blue is awesome!

We had a pizza party tonight and had fun! My mom's friend Denise came and she brought me friends to play with! I miss Mrs Peg! She helped watch me and Blue while other people went and hid from their dogs! I get to go out in the woods again tomorrow and hang out with Blue! We love and miss you guys hope you are having fun!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Ok so I have to get online as soon as I get home from Training or else I cannot get online!

We started tracking yesterday and Jeremy jinxed Blue :)!! Jeremy picked up the tennis ball and put it in his pocket! Blue would track a big circle back to Jeremy's pocket! Blue is a ball junkie!!! He finally got on scent and found Erik! He has an awesome nose! I loved watching the other dogs track I was able to follow a few of them to get an idea of how a dog acts when they catch a scent!

For our track today I went with Monica and hid with Erik so Papaw could do a track before he leaves! WOW Blue was on it! We had barely gotten settled and Blue found us!!! I am so impressed by these dogs!!!

Blue is awesome! I cannot begin to tell you what these dogs can do! You guys fundraising keep it up it is soooooooo worth it! Blue knows a lot of tricks, he is a high strung dog and has tons of energy! The dogs can High 5, Give 5, Shake, Speak and Play Dead! The dogs are trained to nuzzle, kiss, touch, lap (head in lap) and Over (more of the dogs body on the child) Blue isn't much of a snuggler, he is all about the play! That is A-Ok with me as long as Blue tacks my boy and helps me keep a hand on him with the tether!

Speaking of tethering Blue is awesome! We attached Erik to Blue and Erik pulled and was a little perturbed that he couldn't get away he finally stopped and laid down on the ground! I will have to watch for him kicking Blue because he is frustrated with not being able to escape.

Erik and Blue are starting to bond! Blue is a little energetic on the lovin but Jeremy has told me some trick to help with that! Tomorrow we work on me controlling Blue in public so wish us luck if we do well we can start taking Blue out with us in the evenings.

Hey this is Erik I am having so much fun! Today they tied me to Blue that kinda stunk I couldn't get away!!! I fought a little, we will have to see how this works out! I am not sure I like being tethered. I love 4 Paws they have a kick butt playground and I have a new friend Sam! I got to go into the wood and hid with my mom today and my Blue found me!!! I got to give him Hot dogs and give him a tennis ball! Jeremy lets me kick and throw the ball for Blue after he finds me! I am a little worried I will not get any peace and quiet from mom now that Blue can find me when I try to go chill in the woods.

Well we are having out cook-out tonight with all our new friends so I am gonna go and play! I will tell you more about Blue tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Impressions

Finally we are online!!!

This is Erik's mom, All I can say is WOW!!! What an amazing and informative filled day we had yesterday! Erik met Blue it was such an amazing experience I cannot begin to put it into words. Blue has so much energy and is such a fun dog. I know he knows all the commands and such I am having to learn what he knows. It is tripping me out every time Jeremy makes a comment about the dogs and what will work them he always adds in "except Blue" haha! Robin keeps telling me Blue reminds her of Fred, heck Blue even peed in the training room our first day! I have learned when Blue whimpers, outside we go!

Blue is so full of life and is amazing. Last night I took Blue to dinner with us here at the hotel. Blue stayed in a down throughout dinner! More amazing then that was when we were leaving the room to go downstairs, I handed Erik his leash and he held the leash the whole way down the hall, the elevator and into the dinning area! For those of you how know my kid, this was amazing!!! No darting, running, or escaping! Just a child holding onto his dog. He wont do it outside but small steps. I cried when we got to dinner!

Hey mom has hogged the computer enough, I want to tell you all about my Blue! My Blue loves to play ball and will go after anything I throw!!! It is so much fun! Blue cornered me and gave me tons of kisses this morning and I laughed and laughed, it really tickled!

Blue rides beside me in the car, at first I was pushing him away but today I let him lay down at my feet and we just chilled while mom and papaw ran errands. Blue is the class clown like me! Mom even calls him "goofball" just like she calls me!! I snuck Blue some food last night during dinner! Mom figured out what I was doing and pulled my plate away but Blue was happy and that was all that mattered :)

Well we have tons of playing to do! Mom told me we are gonna go out in the woods tomorrow!! I am so excited! See we live in the woods and I miss playing outside a lot! I can't wait to tell ya'll about me and Blue chillin at the park tomorrow! We love all ya'll!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Getting Ready to go to Ohio!

We are getting ready to go to Ohio!

Mom has kept me cooped up in the house while she packs and has made me go shopping for last minute stuff (I hate shopping) all weekend, it has been kinda boring! Finally today she let me play outside for a little while. We have bought some toys for Blue and made sure to have peanut butter for him! I am going to miss everyone especially my friends at school, but can't wait to bring Blue home for all ya'll to meet him! Heck, I can't wait to meet him!!!

We are headed to bed early so that we can leave early in the morning! It is going to be a long drive! Mom promises to stop and let me stretch my legs a bunch. I can't wait till Tuesday! We have to be at 4 Paws at 10am and then I get to hug and love on Blue and he will get to come home with us to the hotel! I will tell ya'll all about him and how exciting it was to meet him for the first time.

Talk to ya'll Tuesday! Have a great week!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Erik Finds Out About Blue

Last night I received and email from 4 Paws for Ability! It is the first email I have ever received my mom always get emails but never me! Ok enough about that. My mom clicked on the email for me and she started crying. She read me the email. To be honest with you I was trying to go watch Spongebob but she held me there and read the email to me and showed me a picture of my new Autism Assistance Dog! His name is Blue's Clues but everyone calls him Blue!

Now if you know me you know I try to talk but I only have a few words that I am able to say, I have learned some sign language but talking is hard. I have recently started saying "Dog" so mom kept pointing to Blue and saying "Erik's Dog, Erik's Dog Blue"! I started saying Dog whenever she would and mom kept encouraging me to say Blue. I finally tried it and said what sounds like "Boo"! My mom started crying again. Does your mom cry as much as mine does? Anyway, she keeps showing me Blue's picture and we are going today to make a few copies of it so I can have one at school and other places.

I get to meet Blue and go to training on September 23rd. Blue is in Ohio! We will be in Ohio for 13 days and mom and I started this blog so we could let everyone know about me and Blue! I want you to read the letter that Blue sent me! He loves peanut butter and so do I, we have so much in common already and we haven't even met yet. I can't wait to tell you all about Blue and all the fun thing we do together so keep checking back!

Hey Erik, My name is Blue and I am a boy, Black Lab. My real name is Blue's Clue's but they all call me Blue. I am a fun dog and can't wait to play with you. I hope you like to play ball and play the tracking game. Do you like to eat? I love to eat. I love hot dogs especially and Peanutbutter in my Kong. I love Tennis balls too! I want to go everywhere you go and do everything you do and play and play and play! Can I sleep in your room? Will you really, really be my best friend? I never had a best friend before and I have wanted one for so very long. Now it is almost the day you will come and meet me! Not long now. I am so very excited! Hurry up my best buddy ever and get here so we can start having fun! xoxoxoxoxo Blue